personal training

Clean Shred private training is all about providing you with the knowledge and opportunity to create the lifestyle you want in the body you desire.
Workouts are completed in the purpose built Clean shred facility with options for one on one or small group sessions this is for those ready to make a serious improvements to their body composition, strength, mobility or athletic performance.
- Bioprint / Lifestyle consult
- Goal setting
- Nutrition plan
- Training plan
- Workouts
- Supplement plan
- Much more

one on one personal training
Are you already exercising and not quite getting the results you desire?
Try our 8 Week Body Composition program..
Time and time again we come across clients who are making good efforts with their training and nutrition but they are struggling to lose that bit of fat covering the abs or the stubborn bit you can’t budge around the hips and legs. The key is understanding what is causing these stubborn areas and by manipulating your hormone response through training, nutrition, lifestyle and supplement protocols we can target those specific areas and get you the results you deserve. Expect to come out of this program more shredded than you have ever before.
- What supplements will work for your stubborn areas
- Plateau breaking weight training techniques.
- Interval cardio fat shredding secrets
- What foods at what times will break stubborn fat storage
- Comp and photo shoot diet techniques to look extra lean for events

female specific
Our Fat Shred Females program is the ultimate training, nutrition and supplement plan for females to drop a lot of body fat fast!
Before starting we will determine what factors are stopping you from losing body fat, this can be more complicated than you may think. Taking into consideration many things like gut health, hormonal output, muscle to fat ratio, metabolic damage, sleep and stress this is much more than your average Personal Training program.
Next step is to set you up on a plan to repair your body and get it functioning they way it was designed to, this will involve a current position report, lifestyle factors overview, eating plan, training plan and supplement protocol.
Some common conditions to overcome include low lean muscle mass, under eating and bad food choices but your weekly sessions and trainer support through every step you we will help you enjoy the process and guaranteed your success.
- What weight training exercises will shred not bulk you
- What sets, reps and rest is ideal for fat loss
- How the best cardio workouts for maximum fat loss
- How to manipulate the female hormones to work in your favour
- How to reverse diet after fat loss to maintain a fit athletic body
- The best foods, recipes and healthy treats to make a fit and healthy lifestyle fun

With our Fat Shred Males program you will learn the art of training and nutrition to both drop body fat and increase muscle
Before starting we will determine what factors are stopping you from losing body fat, this can be more complicated than you may think. Taking into consideration many things like gut health, hormonal output, muscle to fat ratio, metabolic damage, sleep and stress this is much more than your average Personal Training program.
This program is designed to educate you on the ways to drop the body fat and make lifestyle changes that will ensure you will be able to maintain your new lean body composition. It is very important that males train at the intensity required to increase growth hormone that will increase the bodies natural testosterone increasing lean muscle mass and decrease body fat.
Your weekly sessions and support from your trainer will ensure you will decrease your waist size, increase your chest, shoulders, back and legs and be the man you we want to be.
- The art of training and nutrition to both drop body fat and increasing muscle.
- The right weights exercises that will stimulate the hormones to increase muscle
and burn body fat long after the session. - The right intensity in cardio exercises that will ensure your time and energy will
burn the maximum amount of fat possible. - he right amount of food to make sure you loose weight effectively,
keeping it off and increasing your energy levels. - The right food timing to stimulate muscle growth and drop body fat.
- The right supplements to ensure digestion, hormones, sleep and stress
don’t inhibit your fat loss and increase your muscle gains. - The exact tempo, sets, reps and rest required for fat loss and muscle gain.