Simon Bungate Director of Clean Shred Transformation and Performance Centre and highly sort after Power and Speed Coach. He has had success with track athletes reaching multiple Olympics games, Commonwealth games gold medalists and World Champs gold medalists. This experience has lead Simon to work with many up and coming athletes and NRL club Wests Tigers..
In 2016 he has opening the state of the art facility Clean Shred Transformation and Performance Centre with a goal of impacting both elite athletes and the public through nutrition, mindset, movement and fun team style training sessions.
Simon’s experience is seen in the ability to formulate training programs that can work amazingly well in the group environment, it is clear from the team training sessions that he can achieve results for a broad range of people in a group setting, he states that the technique and intensity is more important than the programming but getting the right exercises, tempo, sets and reps with the right amount of variety is key for exceptional body composition.

Teaming together the expertise of herself and Simon Bungate they have been able to create an amazing facility that boasts hard work and big results. With a vast knowledge in the area of precise nutrition for fat loss, hypertrophy and body composition she can program for any goal and get the results clients never thought possible.
Her approach is to tackle body composition from a holistic angle where to get your body working in harmony by getting lifestyle, nutrition and training on point to achieve whatever you are after. She believes if you fuel and care for your body it will achieve anything.

Claudia is passionate about health and wellbeing, proper nutrition and exercise. Her personal transformation gives exceptional insight on making long term body composition changes.
Losing 30 kgs and more recently competing in figure competitions, she knows how to get results, whether the objective is fat loss, muscle gain, increasing fitness and strength.
Working as a Registered /Midwife for 32 yrs with 10 yrs experience in the Fertility Industry. Claudia is very knowledgeable about helping female clients that may be struggling to lose weight due to conditions such as PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome )